Sometimes the outcome of civil litigation in Florida is not the one you had expected. Fortunately, regardless of whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant, you can appeal it. 的 appeals process varies according to the court and the jurisdiction, 所以确保你不会失去这个机会, 你必须确保你知道这个过程是如何运作的, 期望是什么?, 有什么最后期限?, 哪些表格需要填写和归档.
在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, our mission is to help our clients obtain the best outcome for their legal matter, 有时这意味着上诉下级法院的判决. 竞技宝体育竞猜位于迈阿密戴德的民事上诉律师会指导竞技宝体育竞猜的客户完成整个上诉过程——从帮助您确定上诉理由到完成上诉. 今日透过电邮联络竞技宝体育竞猜: 305-672-7495 安排免费电话咨询.
When one party to a lawsuit is not pleased with the verdict or judgment that has been entered, 他们可以提出上诉. An appeal is a process to have a lower court's decision reviewed by a higher court. 这不是一次新的审判, but it is a chance to raise for review any legal errors that were made at trial. Only issues preserved at trial can be reviewed by the higher court.
下级法院批准的和解协议不能上诉. 在双方签署协议和/或法官审查并下达批准和解协议的命令时,和解即为最终和解.
的 are two basic designations of the parties involved in an appeal: 上诉人 and 被上诉人.
的 上诉人 当事人是否对初审法院的判决提出上诉. This is the individual or entity seeking a review of the lower court's judgment, 竞技宝体育竞猜的目标是扭转局面, 修改, 或归还.
的 被上诉人 是被上诉的一方吗. 在民事上诉的背景下, the 被上诉人 is typically the prevailing party in the trial court—the one who won the case. 被上诉人的角色是为初审法院的判决辩护,并辩称应该维持原判.
上诉法院, 也被称为上诉法院, are judicial bodies responsible for hearing appeals from decisions made by lower trial courts. 上诉法院 are typically composed of multiple judges, often three or more. 在某些司法管辖区,这些法官可能被称为大法官. 与审判法庭不同, 哪一种可以由一名法官或一名法官和陪审团组成, appellate courts typically involve panels of judges who collectively decide on the appeal.
- 根据案件记录审查下级法院的判决, 包括转录本, 文档, 以及庭审期间的证据
- 通过考虑双方的观点来决定法律问题, 法律的先例, and statutes to determine whether the lower court correctly interpreted and applied the law
- 通过维持下级法院的判决来纠正错误, 扭转它, 修改它, or remanding the case back to the trial court for further proceedings
- (三)提出意见,说明作出决定的理由
上诉法院 are usually positioned in a hierarchy above trial courts. Decisions of appellate courts can be further appealed to higher appellate levels, 比如州最高法院或美国最高法院.
如果有可信的上诉理由,那么几乎任何类型的民事案件都可以上诉. 可上诉的常见民事案件包括:
- 合同纠纷, like cases involving disputes over contracts related to breach of contract, 合同条款的解释, 或者合同的有效性
- 人身伤害或侵权索赔, 比如涉及疏忽的案例, 汽车事故, 产品缺陷, 诽谤, 医疗事故, or other tort claims where one party alleges harm caused by another party's actions
- 家庭法事宜比如涉及离婚、子女监护权、配偶抚养费、亲子关系或财产分割的问题
- 产权纠纷, 包括与房地产纠纷有关的案件, 边界问题, 房屋租赁纠纷, 土地征用权, 或者产权
- 就业情况下, including disputes about wrongful termination, discrimination, or workplace harassment
- 行政法案件, 包括由行政机构就许可等问题做出决定的案件, 法规遵从性, 或者政府行为
- 遗嘱认证及遗产案件, including disputes over wills, trusts, or the distribution of an individual's estate
- 债务催收案件, including issues related to debt collection, creditor disputes, or bankruptcy proceedings
- 宪法问题, like those involving constitutional challenges or cases related to civil rights violations
并不是所有的“上诉”都必须等到下级法院做出结论. 这就是所谓的中间上诉, an appeal is made before the trial court has issued a final judgment in a case. 换句话说, it is an appeal that occurs during the intermediate stages of litigation, 而不是等到整个案子结束.
中间上诉不如终审上诉常见, 但在以下情况下, 它们通常是被允许的:
- 有限的情况下, 是否有令人信服的理由在整个案件结案前审查某一特定问题-例如, the resolution of a particular legal issue may impact the overall outcome of the case, and waiting until the end of the trial would cause significant prejudice.
- 许可授予, 这意味着初审法院- -根据适用规则或法规中规定的标准- -已证明或允许向上诉法院提出上诉.
- 可检查的问题, where the appeal involves questions of law rather than questions of fact – for instance, 当事人可以寻求中间上诉,对初审法院对法律问题的裁决或驳回动议提出质疑.
不同司法管辖区间上诉的可得性和程序可能差别很大. 考虑中间上诉的当事方应查阅其管辖范围内的有关规则和法规. If you are in Florida and need legal advice to determine the best course of action, 今天就竞技宝体育竞猜的上诉律师.
Appellate review is generally limited to legal issues and questions of law. 上诉法院不评估证人的可信度或审查事实,除非有人声称对事实的考虑存在法律错误. As such, grounds for an appeal are most often limited to three situations:
- 在审判过程或程序中犯了错误;
- A legal error was made at trial; or
- 该决定的事实结论与证据相矛盾.
Appeals can be lodged based on procedural errors committed during the trial. 程序错误可能包括:
- 违反法庭规则
- 没有遵循适当的程序
- 拒绝公平的陈述机会
如果上诉法院认定发生了程序错误并影响了诉讼的公正性, it may order a new trial or remedy the error in another appropriate way.
上诉的理由是下级法院在解释或适用法律时犯了错误. 的 上诉人 contends that the judge misapplied legal principles or statutes, 导致错误的决定. 在这片土地上取得成功, 上诉人(提出上诉的一方)必须证明该错误对案件的结果有重大影响.
上诉可以基于事实错误, 声称下级法院有事实错误或未能正确考虑相关证据. 在这片土地上取得成功, 上诉人必须证明下级法院的事实认定没有得到审判期间提出的证据的支持,或者重要证据被忽视. 法院通常不愿推翻事实调查结果, 因为初审法院往往处于评估证人可信度和权衡证据的最佳位置.
的 exact steps to file an appeal depend on the court and jurisdiction. Generally speaking, however, most appeals include the following basic steps.
一旦不利的判决生效, 你要确定申诉的依据和范围. 由法律规定, 只有某些问题可以作为上诉的理由,重要的是要确保上诉是基于这些理由中的一个或多个.
因为只有在审判中保留的问题才能在上诉中得到解决, 应审查审判记录和随附证据,以确认在上诉中提出的任何和所有保留问题.
Every court will have a certain amount of time in which the appeal must be filed. It is essential to determine the amount of time available and to file within that time frame. If an appeal is not filed within the statute of limitations, it may be forever barred.
准备上诉可能很耗时, which is why it is important to first identify the statute of limitations. 的 appeal must also be filed at the appropriate appellate court with the proper filing fee. 所有其他当事人都必须按照提出上诉的法院的规则送达——例如, 一些法院要求亲自送达,而另一些法院则认为普通邮件送达就足够了.
提起上诉并不会自动停止或延缓判决. 以防止对方收取他们的判决, 通常需要采取额外的步骤. 在一些司法管辖区, that additional step involves the 上诉人 filing a supersedeas bond while in others, 这意味着提交一份暂缓判决的动议.
摘要是陈述案件的法律文件,说明为什么下级法院的判决应该被推翻, 归还, 或确认. 上诉并不总是需要摘要.
接下来会发生什么主要取决于法庭. 的y may or may not hold an oral hearing, which is not to be confused with a trial. 竞技宝体育竞猜在佛罗里达的上诉律师会告诉你应该期待什么,并引导你完成它,这样你就可以随时了解并参与整个上诉过程.
在民事上诉中,上诉法院在决定如何处理案件时有几种选择. 如果有一个以上的法律问题被上诉,那么每个问题可能会有一个单独的结果.
- 确认决定. 在这里, 上诉法院同意下级法院的判决, 这意味着原来的决定不变,不做任何改变.
- 改变决定. 如果上诉法院发现下级法院的判决有误, 它可能会选择推翻判决, 导致原判决无效, and the case may be sent back to the trial court for further proceedings or a new trial.
- 修改决定. 在某些情况下, 上诉法院可能同意总体结果,但在判决的特定方面发现错误, 因此,法院选择通过改变某些调查结果或法律结论来修改判决,同时保持其他部分不变.
- 还押进一步诉讼. 在这里, 上诉法院认为有必要进行额外的诉讼,或者某些问题需要进一步考虑, 因此,它将案件发回初审法院,以便后者可以解决具体问题或收集额外证据.
- 驳回上诉. 上诉法院可以驳回上诉,如果它确定提出的问题是没有价值的,或现有的程序缺陷妨碍了适当的审查.
- 呈现一个新的决策. 在某些情况下, 上诉法院可以对此案作出新的裁决, possibly substituting its own judgment for that of the trial court.
上诉法院 may issue a written opinion explaining its reasoning and legal analysis. 如果有的话, 这些意见往往影响未来的案件,并为法律解释提供指导.
如果你需要对民事案件提起上诉,你需要一位了解上诉制度的律师. 在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, 竞技宝体育竞猜在佛罗里达州的上诉律师了解这个过程,并将制定一个强有力的上诉策略来帮助您获得您应该首先得到的结果.
因为每个诉求都是独一无二的, 最好安排免费电话咨询与竞技宝体育竞猜讨论您的情况的细节. 请致电 305-672-7495 或者填写在线表格,竞技宝体育竞猜将帮助您辨别您是否有上诉的理由. If so, we will get the appeal started so that it can be timely and persuasively filed.