你是不是卷入了佛罗里达州的法律纠纷? 对很多人来说, 企业, 和其他实体, lawsuits are a means to settle disputes and either obtain remedies or defend against allegations of wrongdoing. 这个过程, 称为民事诉讼, 充满了规则, 如果不遵守这些规则,你的案子就会完蛋.
在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, our civil litigation team in 迈阿密-Dade will review your case and guide you through the process, 及时完成最后期限,有策略地推进你的案子. 联络竞技宝体育竞猜: 305-672-7495 to schedule a Free 电话 Consultation and learn more about how we can help you protect your rights and secure a favorable outcome.
Civil law is a broad spectrum of legal principles and regulations that govern private disputes between individuals or entities. 民事诉讼, 另一方面, is the process individuals must undertake to seek legal remedies for their grievances. 法律救济通常采取金钱赔偿或强制履行的形式, 尽管存在其他补救措施.
金钱损害赔偿可包括经济损失赔偿.g.(人身伤害和财产损失)和非经济(如.g.(痛苦和折磨)损失. Specific performance occurs when the court orders a party to perform a promise they made in a contract, and it is ordered typically in cases where monetary damages are inadequate to correct the harm.
To obtain a remedy to a private dispute, complaints are filed at the appropriate civil court. 民事案件包括审判,由法官和/或陪审团决定结果. 有些案件可能在审判前或审判期间达成和解或被驳回. 其他案件可以仲裁而不是审判, 这通常涉及一个私人仲裁小组.
在民事法庭上提起诉讼的法律问题很多. They involve anything from 财产损失, personal injuries, wrongful death, and contract disputes.
反垄断诉讼. 反托拉斯法, 也被称为竞争法, involves statutes and regulations that foster open and fair competition in the marketplace. Antitrust litigation occurs when a lawsuit is filed to put an end to practices that restrain trade and to compensate those who have been harmed.
侵犯公民权利. A person's civil rights are violated when a party discriminates against a person based on their membership in a protected category, 其中包括种族, color, 宗教, 性行为(包括怀孕), 性取向, 或性别认同), 国家的起源, 年龄(40岁或以上), 残疾和遗传信息(包括家族病史).
合同纠纷. 当一方声称违反合同时,合同纠纷就产生了, 如未能履行, 未付款, 或者对合同条款有分歧. 这些案件通常需要对合同进行解释并评估损害赔偿.
就业纠纷. 与雇佣有关的民事案件包括非法解雇, 歧视索赔, 工资和工时纠纷, 性骚扰指控, 或者违反劳动合同.
家事法事宜. 家庭法中的民事诉讼包括离婚, 子女抚养权纠纷, 孩子的抚养费, 配偶的支持, 采用, 财产分割.
知识产权纠纷. Intellectual property (IP) disputes arise when a person or entity infringes on the IP rights of another person or entity. Disputes typically include anything related to copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.
医疗事故. Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare professional or medical facility neglects to provide appropriate treatment or care, 没有根据情况采取必要的行动, 或者提供不合格的治疗或诊断,造成伤害的, 受伤, 或者一个人的死亡. 例如诊断失败, 外科手术错误, 不必要的手术, 开错了药, 以及没有考虑到病人的病史.
产权纠纷. 财产纠纷涉及房地产纠纷, 比如边界纠纷, 房屋租赁纠纷, 所有权纠纷, 或者与财产所有权有关的分歧, 使用, 或损坏.
人身伤害案件. 人身伤害 cases involve harm or injuries ca使用d by the negligence or intentional actions of another party. Examples include car accidents, slip and fall incidents, wrongful death, and product liability cases.
民事诉讼是私人当事人之间纠纷的结果. 民事诉讼的五个最常见原因包括:
- 违反合同, failure to fulfill the obligations stated in a legally binding contract is a common ca使用 of civil litigation
- 人身伤害, accidents resulting in injuries due to negligence or intentional misconduct can lead to civil litigation seeking compensation f或损坏s
- 财产损失, 因财产损坏引起的纠纷, 无论是不动产还是个人财产, 是否会引发寻求赔偿或维修的民事诉讼
- 专业的医疗事故, 专业人员的疏忽或不当行为, 比如医生, 律师, 会计师, 或建筑师, 是否会引发民事诉讼,要求赔偿所造成的损害
- 商业纠纷, 企业之间的纠纷, 比如合伙纠纷, 股东纠纷, 或者违反信义义务, 往往需要民事诉讼来解决冲突
以上只是民事诉讼最常见的原因, 但是还有很多其他的存在, 喜欢诽谤, 欺诈, 人身攻击和殴打.
The primary reason someone sues another person or entity over a dispute is the need for a remedy. 通过民事诉讼,一个人可以寻求获得一些补救措施.
补偿性损害赔偿. 最常见的治疗方法, 补偿性损害赔偿, 旨在赔偿受害方所遭受的实际损失, 比如医疗费用, 财产损失, 工资损失, 或者痛苦和折磨.
禁令救济. 在某些情况下, 法院可以授予禁令救济, 包括限制令吗, 临时的或永久的禁令, 或者特定性能, 要求一方履行其合同义务的.
惩罚性损害赔偿. 在涉及故意不当行为或重大过失的案件中, 惩罚性损害赔偿可能被判以惩罚被告并阻止类似的行为.
确认救援. A court can provide declaratory relief by 作出判决 or order clarifying the legal rights or obligations of the parties involved in a dispute.
Though any civil litigation process will vary according to the jurisdiction and the specific legal issue, 在大多数民事诉讼事项中,有几个阶段是常见的.
- 提出相. 这一阶段包括初步调查, 收集证据, 尝试协商或调解, 起草要求函或启动和解谈判.
- 提交投诉. 原告提交了一份正式的书面诉状,概述了事实, 的合法要求, 向适当的法院请求救济, 提起诉讼.
- 诉状和发现. The parties exchange pleadings, including the complaint, answer, and any counterclaims. 然后发现, 当事人通过询问等方式收集证据, 口供, 以及文档请求.
- 和解谈判. 整个诉讼过程, parties may engage in settlement negotiations to resolve the dispute outside of court, 潜在地节省时间和费用.
- 审判和判决. 如果不能达成和解,案件就进入审判阶段. 双方都提出了证据, 目击者, 以及法律论据, 法庭或陪审团决定案件, 作出判决.
这些阶段可以重叠,特别是在住区方面. 当事人可以在任何时候和解,甚至在审判阶段.
诉讼是昂贵的,它可能并不总是提供最好的解决方案. Alternative dispute resolution can often be 使用d to arrive at a settlement or outcome on which everyone can agree.
谈判与结算. Direct negotiations are typically the first step in any dispute – they can occur before or after a lawsuit is filed. Settlement discussions between the parties or their attorneys can help reach an agreement without involving the court.
中介. 中介 involves a neutral third party assisting the parties in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution. 它鼓励开诚布公的交流,并允许对结果有更多的控制.
仲裁. 在仲裁, 中立的第三方(仲裁者)听取双方的意见并作出有约束力的决定. 它通常不那么正式,而且比诉讼更有效率.
当你们发生争执时, you want to make sure you position yourself in the best possible way to secure your interests and rights. 独自做这件事,被称为 箴se因为法律内容广泛、棘手且复杂,所以几乎总是不推荐使用. It's not only a failure to know the law that poses a problem but also a failure to understand and follow the rules and procedures. A civil litigation attorney can explain the law and procedures to you as well as offer many more benefits.
- 法律专业知识 – Civil litigators have specialized knowledge and experience in civil law and litigation procedures, 确保适当的代表和宣传.
- 战略指导 -民事诉讼律师可以评估案件的是非曲直, 制定法律策略, 并在整个诉讼过程中提供指导, 最大化获得有利结果的机会.
- 证据收集 – Civil litigators possess the skills and resources to gather and present evidence effectively, 加强案例的陈述.
- 谈判技巧 – A skilled civil litigator can negotiate with opposing parties or their attorneys to achieve a favorable settlement, 保护客户利益,降低风险.
- 法庭表示 -如果案件进入审判阶段, 民事诉讼律师提供法庭代理, 提出论点, 检查目击者, 为客户的立场辩护.
The risks of 箴se are many while the benefits of a civil litigator are also many – so long as you retain the right one for your case. 在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, our civil litigation team is committed to providing the best legal representation for each of our clients.
民事诉讼 plays a crucial role in resolving disputes and seeking legal remedies in private matters. 在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, our civil litigator in Florida protects the rights and interests of individuals and 企业 involved in civil disputes. 竞技宝体育竞猜的团队提供宝贵的法律代理和战略指导. 今天通过填写在线表格或致电竞技宝体育竞猜竞技宝体育竞猜 305-672-7495 to schedule a Free 电话 Consultation and to increase the chances of a favorable resolution in your civil case.